About UNTA
UNTA aims to implement integration and create closer ties in order to improve higher education, training and research in the area of tropical agriculture.

UNTA seeks to assemble leading universities with distinguished features and focus on tropical agriculture. It expects to build a platform of communication and collaboration for members to create closer ties and share knowledge and strategies in order to improve the quality and standard of higher education in the field of tropical agriculture. With the above stated intentions UNTA members agree upon the following goals:
1To reinforce academic and research cooperation and collaboration among universities focused on tropical agricultural and related fields.
2To develop and strengthen the potentials of tropical agriculture to resolve food security, safety, sustainability and related issues.
3To promote faculty and student mobility and exchange among member universities and establish a mutual credit transfer system.
4To work towards developing new opportunities such as joint conferences, dual degrees, and joint degrees, enhancing scientific publication and creating new academic activities.
5To promote agriculture studies to attract high quality incoming students.
6To provide recommendations to policy makers with respect to agriculture related issues.
7Other appropriate activities not mentioned but within the scope of the mission agreed upon by UNTA members.
Founding member
The UNTA initiating member universities are: Bogor Agricultural University, Kasetsart University, Maejo University, MingDao University, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen University, University of Brawijaya, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.
UNTA Meeting
The UNTA forum will rotate to a different university annually; the host university will be decided two years in advance.
Permanent Office
The permanent office of the secretariat will be established at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.

Dean of Office of International Affairs
Dr. Ru-Chu Shih
+886-8-7703202 ext 6215
1, Shuefu Road, Neipu, Pingtung 912, TAIWAN

Staff of Cooperation Division
Ms. Eva Lin